Thursday, October 8, 2015

  I forgot to post this information last week because I got caught up in things that are not that important. By the way I am not really sure how to begin a blog post so I will be jumping in each week with both feet.
  We began talking about the different systems that come with family, relationships and in general any kind of dynamic that sets up over time (I say that because I am including unmarried couples living together and single parent families).
  The first theory we talked about is called "Family Systems"; it is the idea that the whole family is greater and more important than the parts. It is the idea that a person looks more to the needs and wants of the whole family rather than being worried about each of ourselves individually.
  The second theory is called "Conflict"; This is the idea that one person is trying to influence or even control the other person (or people) in the family. It is on the most basic level a power struggle in the family. It tends to lead to arguments and trouble further down the road if the family is not careful. Of all the things we talked about this one was the most interesting and disturbing for me because I hate conflict with a passion. I get uncomfortable when I am around any kind of conflict (not to be mistaken with argument which is different in my mind because conflict is loud, angry and negative every time, but arguments can be worthwhile and helpful in order to resolve problems before they become serious) that I can't help but just want to leave. Learning about something like this helped me be more careful about how and why I do things in order to avoid it more in my own home.

  The third is called Exchange theory; this idea is more about the give and take that comes in life. It usually involves more of a healthy relationship that has give and take (remember this includes family, work, and friend relationships). When you are around and with people they are willing to give back and invest in the relationship, and  you are investing in the relationship as well.

  The fourth and last theory that we talked about is called Symbolic Interaction. This one is one that I had a hard time understanding but I will explain it as best as I can. It is the idea that everything that happens is symbolic, or represents, the heath of the relationship. For example if a husband and wife choose not to sit next to one another when they watch a movie that could be 'symbolic' of them fighting, or it could be 'symbolic' of any number of things that could be happening.
  It would take a psychological degree that I don't have to go into that kind of thing more but the basics of it is that the families actions show the way the family feel and the things they are going through.

  It was interesting to hear about all of these because while the idea of them are not too new, to be able to lay it out so black and white. To think about these things and look at how/where I am in my life and wit the relationships that I have in my life is kind of insightful when I look at it seriously. If I am willing to look at the way things are and apply even the ideas of these things I actually think it can help give a critical measuring stick in which to see how your relationships are and how they can be improved. No it is not a 100% science by reading a blog that comes from the notes of a college student, but it is a place where anyone who wants can find a place to start and work for an improved relationship.
       Cool right?

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